Reconstruction of apartment buildings
Balti Vara Ehitus provides integrated solutions for reconstructing a building
In cooperation with our subsidiary Eesti Soojustusprojekt, we produce a reconstruction project for the apartment building, arrange all required formalities and perform all reconstruction works.
Using a single comprehensive solution for the entire reconstruction process ensures maximum certainty for the client that the project is completed on time, and the quality of the solution provides expected energy efficiency.
Reconstruction with manufactured elements
On the one hand, using manufactured elements in reconstruction improves the indoor climate of a building and remarkably reduces heating costs. Another, but equally important advantage is the speed of the process – since manufactured insulation elements are installed directly on the existing façade of the building, the process is substantially shorter and does not disturb the residents so much.
Speed and use of technology are the characteristics that mainly distinguish reconstruction with wooden elements from on-site reconstruction – in order to shorten the period needed on the construction site, preparatory work is carried out at the factory to a maximum extent.
Information about factory-produced facade elements:

The exterior appearance of the apartment building changed within 17 working days:
Kredex SA factory reconstruction grant for apartment buildings:
On-site reconstruction
Compared to element-based reconstruction, the final goal of on-site reconstruction is exactly the same – to achieve maximum energy efficiency, improve indoor climate in apartments, and prolong the service life of the apartment building. On-site reconstruction, however, lasts about six months longer than element-based reconstruction, and is slightly more disturbing for the residents and the environment.
Whichever construction method is selected, Balti Vara Ehitus has the same goal – to provide clients with a well-managed reconstruction experience, the best construction quality and the most efficient energy solutions.
For further information on design and reconstruction grants offered by KredEx SA, visit the following website address: